Re: semantics of gnome_vfs_get_file_info_from_handle

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 04:11, Alexander Larsson wrote:

> I've been thinking some about this, and I'm not sure this is the right 
> thing. Adding API and vfs-method functions complicates implementation and 
> API and should be done very rarely.

In general I agree.

> This API would basically only be used for you to avoid doing an extra 
> request on http sources when getting the mimetype, since you get that on 
> open anyway. I don't see it being useful in any other way.

Actually I think the file method at least could also use it, since as I
said before it does a stat anyways in the open call.

> And since you get the info in the header when you open the stream that 
> info should be pretty much up to date[1]. I think your initial proposal 
> migh be better, at least for the http backend. For the file backend I'm 
> not so sure, but the extra i/o is less problematic there.

There is actually a third alternative that I just thought of; create a
new open method like:

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_open_full (const char *uri,
				    GnomeVFSOpenMode mode,
				    GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
				    GnomeVFSFileInfo *info);

This would return any information gathered during the open along with
the handle.  Now, we can implement the old gnome_vfs_open entirely in
terms of this new one.  So the old open module method would be
deprecated in favor of this, but we wouldn't lose backwards

What do you think?

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