Trouble with NFS mounted directory listing

Hi all,

I have some very strange trouble with browsing directorys mounted from
an Netware 6 NFS server. I think this is not a problem of the gnome vfs
but I don't know where to start tracking down the problem so maybe
someone on this list can give me some hints where to look at:

What happends is:

   - Any mounted directory and it's content is visible when I am using
     bash and ls

   - mc/gmc forgets some files within some directorys or displays
     an empty directory sometimes. The same effect occurs with any
     application using the gnome file open dialogs.

     The directorys not viewable with mc or other apps can all be
     browsed using the shell.

     If I manualy give the full path to a file within the directory
     shown as empty, I can open the file.

I can't find any logic when a directory is viewable or not with gmc or
other apps. It doesn't matter what the permission is set to or what
mount flags I've used. Also the user or group doesn't matter.

I tried to turn of attribute caching, played with the read and write
buffers, locking, ... allways the same effect.

The test tools I wrote in perl, c and c++ can display the directory

Is there anything else than readdir() and getdents() available that may
cause the trouble? I didn't take look into the source for now because I
never wrote an GUI application and I am sure there are some guys that
know a lot more about where to take a look...

Thanks for your help!


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