Re: real xfer data in GnomeVFSXferProgressInfo?

On 2002.04.24 09:19 Ian McKellar wrote:
> The idea behing gnome-vfs-xfer is to provide an abstraction for file
> transfers - move, copy, etc...
> If you want to progressively load data asynchonously check out the
> gnome-vfs-async stuff. There are a few docs, but the headers (and
> example programs) should be mostly explanatory. Drop us a line if you
> have any questions about that.
> Ian

well, as I did another post before (not remember the exact time),
I tried to test-async <url> and those code in my app.
test-async didn't work.
my app also did not. the message that I've got:
test]$ ./test-async
Initializing gnome-vfs...
Creating async context...
Starting open for `'...
Main loop running.
A(prompt)[enter a time to go open_callback]
File opened correctly, data `open_callback'.
A(and nothing...)
I cannot understand this situation and find another workaround, if I cannot find why.

async interface has nothing to do with xfer interface.
so user have to wait till the end of transfer of async, spinning just a circle.
I wanna up-to-rate of xfer with async. is there some way?
to keep user in access to status of doing is important issue of good software I think.

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