[baobab] feature request: "offline" processing of ls-lR files

Hello all,

first, thank you for baobab, it is an incredibly useful tool. So
useful that I often miss him. For instance on servers with no X
display, or on my macbook.

A solution would be to separate the data collection and user
interaction steps. A (hopefully) simple way to do so would be to make
baobab accept

1) on my server, I run ``ls -lR > ~/myfiles.txt`` (I might also use
the ``mkls-lR`` program)
2) on my desktop computer, I get the ``myfiles.txt`` from the server
and I inspect its content graphically with baobab.

What do you think of this idea? I'm not sure ``ls -lR`` returns the
exact same output on all unixes, but its use on ftp mirrors would tend
to suggest it is quite standard. Does anybody have information on

What do you think of the idea? Should I file a feature request bug?

Thank you for any feedback.

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