Re: First weekly status report on GNOME Dictionary

Hi Reinout,

On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 22:21 +0100, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
> Hi Emmanuele,
> Op Sat, 12 Nov 2005 04:04:57 +0100, schreef Emmanuele Bassi:

[Different dictionaries]

> - Selecting a different dict server (requires being online, hard to find
> because the server list is not included by default)

We could provide a very simple storage for dictionary servers, with l10n
support; something like the locations for the weather applet - but
*much* smaller; e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE gnome-dictionary SYSTEM "dictionaries.dtd">
<gnome-dictionary version="1.0">
      <!-- Translators: English based dictionary servers -->
      <server href="" port="2628"/>
      <!-- Translators: Italian based dictionary servers -->

At this point, we could have a default dictionary server for the user's
locale, and provide a way to change that inside the preferences.

> - Installing dictd on localhost (requires knowing how to install and
> configure one with the right dictionaries).

I agree on this.

> As an alternative, I suggest supporting the StarDict dictionary format.
> StarDict itself is a nice program but not quite GNOME HIG-compliant.
> The nice thing about StarDict dictionaries is that they can be installed
> on a users' machine without the need for daemons. In my opinion, this
> could bring gnome-dictionary to a much larger audience.

I'll have to look at the format, and create a parser for these, and -
right now - I'm trying to reformat, audit and consolidate the current
code base, so this could be a milestone for 2.16 instead of 2.14.  But
it's definitely worth to look at and implement, if we can get all the
benefits of a dictionary without having to actually use a server.


Emmanuele Bassi - <ebassi gmail com>

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