Re: [gnome-love] GNOME Utilities :: Needs a maintainer

Hi Carlos,

On Fri, 2004-29-10 at 17:35 +0200, Carlos Garnacho wrote:

> Sorry for not answering before, I completely forgot this mail :(
> Just wanted to say that I agree a lot, I'd love to see at least a
> collaboration framework between projects/tools related to sysadmin, if
> there's anything I can do to help... :)

I'm one of the new maintainers of gnome-utils, and I know we'd love to
work with you to make gnome-system-log even better, whether that
involves moving g-s-l into the system tools, or making use of the
gnome-system-tools backends. Anyways, if you want to talk more about it,
we've set up a gnome-utils list (gnome-utils-list gnome org). Most
(well, all) of the recent (and in my opinion, awesome) work on
gnome-system-log has been done by Vincent Noel (vnoel cox net). He
probably has the best idea of what's going on inside the g-s-l.

> 	Carlos

Hope to hear from you soon,

James Bowes <bowes cs dal ca>

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