Re: gnome-screenshot component for gnome-utils

Le jeudi 04 novembre 2004 à 15:37 -0500, Vincent Noel a écrit :
> I'm innocent. I didn't do it. Honest.
> But there's been a whole bunch of stuff in gnome-utils throughout the
> ages, so it's possible a screenshooter was in gnome-utils at some
> point.
> By the way, would it be possible to remove all the now pointless
> directories that fill gnome-utils ? I think of :
> cromagnon edit-menu exe-handler gcalc gcharmap gdialog gdiskfree ghex
> gncal gnome-find gpostit gstripchart gtt meat-grinder mini-utils
> notepad splash stripchart

echo "update -P -d" >> ~/.cvsrc
This should help you :-)

But you can't really remove directories in CVS (you would lose the
history of the removed files if you did so).

(or are you talking about the bugzilla components? well, you can't
remove those either because they contain closed bugs... sigh...)


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