Re: Splash-panel apps

Hi Glenn,

On Wed, 2004-03-11 at 11:42 +1100, Glenn Mason wrote:
> Have you guys been following the gnome-love?  There's a discussion about 
> a couple of splash-panel changing applications.
> I was wondering whether one of these could/should get included in 
> gnome-utils?

I think this is probably something served best by a third party app like
What is probably of more importance for GNOME itself is to make branding
easier [1], so that the splash screen and other GNOME-ish things (ie the
foot menu) are easy to change, either through documented methods, or
automated scripts. I personally don't think we need to include a gui for
letting the user change the splash screen any time they want in core

> -- Glenn


James Bowes <bowes cs dal ca>

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