Re: gnome-utils 2.9.1 -- grand plans for gfloppy / fighting the

> - What do we call it? 'Floppy Formatter' doesn't make sense for the
> window title (since it can do more than format floppies), so I've been
> using 'Formatter' for now. I suppose the title could change based on the
> media type...

Maybe it all depends on how you will launch this application. If you launch it from the menu, then you get this problem of trying to find what the user want to do and on which drive. But as a user, this is not the place I would look for formatting my drive. What I'd rather see is a "Format..." option on the right-click and main menus of a drive in nautilus. That way, you would not have the "drive selection" problem - by the time the application would start, you would already know what kind of drive you're trying to format. Hence, you can get rid of the combobox and select an appropriate title.

I have no idea of how to implement this, it's just an idea.

> - Is it ok to alter the UI so drastically based on a combo box
> selection?
> - Right now the icon for the format button changes based on the media
> type selected, should the window icon do the same? and, is this ok to
> begin with?
> - The 'Format' button label does not change, since that would probably
> be bad from a usability standpoint (what with accelerators and all,
> too). Should it be labelled something else instead?

All these issues are moot if you call the app from the drive context menu. Maybe it's a hint it's a better way to do it ;-)

Otherwise, this is a huge improvement for the formatter.


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