Re: Fw: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG - "Linux Desktop talk 26/07/2007"

On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 13:56 +0100, Thomas Wood wrote:
> Subject line is wrong, it is actually taking place this month
> (September)!
> Anyone who saw Michael's talks at Guadec will know he can be quite
> entertaining. 
> Perhaps this would be an ideal opportunity to go to the pub afterwards
> and celebrate GNOME's 10th birthday? I've put this in my diary and I
> know a few other GNOMErs are too.

This sounds pretty cool :) Does anybody have an available couch? Then I
don't need to worry about getting back.

I'll bring the party hats and I'll try and round up some other members
of SMASHED (See facebook group) and bring a bottle :P

Do you have a dress code in mind? I'm not thinking kilts BTW.


> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 11:55:19 +0100
> From: Jane Morrison <office ukuug org>
> To: announce ukuug org
> Subject: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG -  "Linux Desktop talk 26/07/2007"
> Michael Meeks - Distinguished Engineer at Novell
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Linux Desktop, present and future"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A light-hearted look at the desktop, from past to present, to Novell's
> role, and vision. Michael will prod some of the new toys coming into
> the desktop, from promising technologies to curvaceous applications,
> and meditate on the wonders of our new on-line world. 
> Michael will shamelessly plug whatever project is interesting today,
> and attempt to wildly extrapolate the near future, for people's
> amusement - to rob Gascoigne: "I never predict anything, and I never
> will!".
> Michael is a Christian and enthusiastic believer in Free software. He
> very much enjoys working for Novell where as a member of the Desktop
> research team  he has worked on desktop infrastructure and
> applications, particularly the 
> CORBA, Bonobo, Nautilus and accessibility, amongst other interesting
> things. 
> He now works full time leading the team. Prior to this
> he worked for Quantel gaining expertise in real time AV editing and
> playback achieved with high performance focused hardware / software
> solutions.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> UKUUG and Gold Sponsor Member Novell invite the Linux and Open Source
> community, and other interested parties to an evening talk:
> TIME: 6:45pm for a 7:00pm start
> DATE: Wednesday 26th  September 2007
> VENUE: University College London, Cruciform Building
> (Lecture Theatre  2), Gower Street, London, WC1E 6AE. 
> More information at the UKUUG website:
Karl Lattimer

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