Re: Proposed constitution for society (needed for bank account)

--- Alex Hudson <home alexhudson com> wrote :

> This is basically how AFFS was setup. It's ok, _except_:

>      * Co-op need a lot of paperwork to change signatories, which is
>        annoying;
>      * No internet banking on free software

> I would suggest at least investigating other less-sucky alternatives.
> NatWest used to do a clubs account.

I don't understand what you mean by 'No internet banking on free software' ?  I
have been with the Co-op since 2001/2 and have used Internet banking for most
of that time.  I've never had a problem at all.  I've used Firefox & Epiphany
for the majority of the time I've been with them.

Or do you mean something more specific?

I would highly recommend Co-op as they have a comprehensive ethical policy and
won't use the money to fund arms companies, factory farms, environment wreckers


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