Re: GUADEC 2k7

On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 09:59 +0100, Paul Cooper wrote:
> ----- Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com> wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > For me this is what could have been better:
> > 
> > - Distance from GUADEC to the villa needed to be closer.
> This could be a problem for us - our plans for accomodation (Uni of Birmingham) is about 5 miles from the venue (Conservatoire). However I would plan to have evening events around the accomodation (in Selly Oak, which is cheaper) rather than centre of town (more choice but more expensive).

If that's the only option, perhaps we could consider hiring a minibus
for the week, and doing shuttle runs in the morning/evening, and charge
a quid a head (or however much the petrol/hire costs break down to) -
unless there's already decent public transport that is. Just a thought.


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