[ANNOUNCE] New GNOME translation status pages available (fwd)


Bu sayfada anlamadığım bir şey var, Abiword'ü ben çevirmiştim (sanırım 4-5
ay oluyor), ama şu anda %0 görünüyor ..

Dip not: Gimp programını çeviren arkadaşa teşekkürlerimi sunarım.


Date: 19 Sep 2001 14:53:21 +0200
From: "Carlos [ISO-8859-1] Perelló Marín" <carlos@gnome-db.org>
Reply-To: gnome-hackers@gnome.org
To: GNOME i18n list <gnome-i18n@gnome.org>, gnome-announce-list@gnome.org
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] New GNOME translation status pages available

Here you have the new status pages for the translation of GNOME. It is
the fruit of more than a month of work, cleaning code, mixing several
scripts and of course learning Perl; -)

* New in this pages:

 - Most important: This pages will be updated all days (Thanks

 - Latest .po && .pot download (keld, Carlos)

 - Code cleanup (started the port to "use strict") (Juan, Carlos)

 - New script cvs-download.pl (Carlos, based on cvs-up-status.pl)

 - Translation status field: outdated, work in progress, Unknown
(Carlos, chrisime)

 - Last translator field (Carlos)

 - New translation teams (Carlos, Kmaraas)

 - Merged release && apps status into stable (Carlos)

 - Created a new bugzilla module to store bugs related with this pages
(Carlos, Kmaraas)

 - gnome-i18n/status cleanup (Carlos)

 - Some debug help (kenneth)

The pages are available at

We will add soon a third page with non official GNOME 1.4, please be
pacient ;-)

If you have any comment, suggestion or bug please, fill a bug report at 
l10n-status component

Cheers, Carlos

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