iso8859-9 fontlar / GNOME


Evolution 0.15'in tercumelere bir baktim da, bir suru fuzzy var (ilk
defa tercume deniycem) ve mevcut tercumelerin de bircogu biraz mantiksiz
geldi. (Daha iyisini yapicam demek degil, deniycem :)


$ LC_ALL=tr_TR; export LC_ALL
$ gfontsel

Gdk-WARNING **: Missing charsets in FontSet creation
Gdk-WARNING **:     ISO8859-9
Gdk-WARNING **:     ISO8859-9

gibi salak hatalar aliyorum. Sistemimde bu fontlar yuklu ama iso8859-9
olarak. Acaba buyuk/kucuk harf olabilir mi?

[Slackware 8.0/xfs/xfstt - XFree86 4.1.0 - glibc-2.2.3]


     1/2                                /-------------------------+
 /\(3)                                 /              Enver ALTIN |
 |     2                          1/3 / System Analyst/Programmer |
 |    z dz cos(3 * PI / 9) = ln (e)   |   @ CAS Trustcenter, Inc. |
 |                                    |      |
\/ 1                                  | |
The integral of z squared, dz         | Please do not e-mail me   |
>From 1 to the square root of 3        |    directly, unless asked |
  Times the cosine                    | if you have received this |
  Of 3 PI over nine                   |         in a mailing list |
Is the log of the cube root of e      +---------------------------+

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