Re: OpenGEU 9.04 Luna Crescente pixmap GTk themes

Hi again, isn't really anyone interested / able in creating these themes?
I cannot believe no one whishes to help..

Luca D.M.

2009/3/29 Luca De Marini <luca darkmaster gmail com>
Hallo everyone, I just subscribed to the list. I'm the author and project leader of the OpenGEU GNU/Linux distro, an Enlightenment based distro derived from Ubuntu, you can have more informations here:
For the next release, OpenGEU 9.04 Luna Crescente, we need to develop 2 pixmap based GTK themes. OpenGEU doesn't use only E17, but a lot of gnome tools, and it is the first distro trying to integrate E17 into Gnome or viceversa, since E17 alone is not a DE but rather just a Desktop Shell.

Well, whatever, we need GTK themes too :)
So, I and ArtPulse developed 2 new themes, and theya re in a mockup form right now. Is anyone here willing to help us transforming them into real themes?

Thanks to anyone answering this request,
greetings to everybody,

Luca D.M.

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