Re: Logo for GNOME Accessibility

Neat! I'm going to be seeing some a11y folks today and will pass this by them. It matches various other icons in the space and is very simple.



Andreas Nilsson wrote:
Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

I was speaking with andreasn in #gnome-art regarding getting a logo for GNOME Accessibility. My main purpose for the logo would be to use it on the GNOME Accessibility WIKI (see the in-process refactor going on at, but I would also like to use it on T-Shirts, buttons, stickers, marketing materials, etc.

As you can see from the totally awesome placeholder I put in place, I have no talent:

So, I'm curious if anyone might be able to help out? If so, what are the proper steps we need to go through to get this going? I've set up a skeleton WIKI page for discussion if that helps:

Hi Willie!
Sorry that it took a while before you got any response.
Did this for the ATK section on the new website:

cc:ing tango-artists in the hope of more ideas.
- Andreas

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