Change Close Icon for Unsaved Work


This isn't exactly a theme issue, but I'm not sure
where to post this.

I wondered if anyone had ever proposed changing the
close icon ('X') 

when a document is modified and unsaved.

Applications on the Mac do this, the X becomes a
circle indicating that 

when you click it you will be prompted to confirm the
close or save your

Has this been proposed in GNOME before?

A number of applications use an asterisk to indicate
unsaved work (OOo 

on the status bar, gEdit on the caption bar) so I
thought changing the X 

to a simple 5-point asterisk might work?

Obviously this would require changes to themes and
some API 

functionality behind the scenes.

Is there a better place to suggest this?

If anyone is interested, I've done a simple mockup in

As I had to do the widgets myself they're crude (the
asterisk looks more 

like a stick man). Type some text, the close gadget
changes. Press 

Ctrl+S to "save" it, it changes back. Click "Close"
when it's an 'X' and

the window closes. Click "Close" when it's an '*' and
you get a prompt.,
run it with 

"java -cp CloseTest.jar CloseTest" (Sun VM's 1.5 or

I think this would give a clear, consistent indication
of a document's
modified state at a glance, e.g. so a user could
quickly see they 
should save their document when leaving their desk.

Good idea or bad idea?


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