Re: Translucency

I hope this won't draw criticism:
just Composite Enabled change in xorg.conf made my system very slow as well. 2.8GHz, 512MB of RAM. I will go thru with the rest of it just for a screenshot, but my question is: How did Knoppix KDE theme achieve translucency without such a hit on performance (it felt like there was no overhead when i tried it on my desktop, and my work laptop, the latter being about 1.8GHz, but with 1GB of RAM)? And i believe that was done on basis of XFree... Perhaps i should find a Knoppix forum for the answer.

Thank you all in advance,

Reshat Sabiq wrote:
So the question mark in all this appears to be around the transset
config that you mentioned, and how much resources it would
require. Ideally, i'd like to be able to watch a DVD, and browse the web
in a translucent desktop, and maybe also run a VNC server, and client at
the same time.

I'll see if i can try this out this weekend. If i come up with something,
i'll post about it.

I'm on ATI Radeon 9000 shared, 512MB of RAM.


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, s.donig wrote:

Translucency is not a question of a theme, rather of your X-server. FC 3
should use Xorg if I am not mistaken.
Make sure that you have the composite-extension installed, xcompmgr and
Then edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf as follows:

Section "Extensions"
	Option "Composite" "Enable"
	Option "RENDER" "Enable"

and in the Section "Device" add

Option      	"RenderAccel" "true"

if you're using a Nvidia-card.

In your session use xcompmgr -c to get soft-shadows. See man xcompmgr or
xmcompgr -h for more options. transset is used to make windows
transparent. But from there you're on your own, for me (FireGL Mobility
T2, 128MB RAM) Composite-Mode was that ressource consuming that I did'nt
give transset a try.
(transset --help or -h for options, I guess ;) )


Am Mittwoch, den 16.03.2005, 23:47 -0600 schrieb Reshat Sabiq:
I like the following theme:

I'm not finding a translucent theme in my FC3 install, nor did i see it
in FC2. Is it possible to download this or similar theme from somewhere?
Alternatively, could i perhaps configure any of the GNOME themes i have
to have translucency?

Thank you in advance for any feedback,
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