one-day art challenge, and one-week art challenge, sort of

Hey, guys, gals-

I just posted on my blog[1] about my very lame attempts to create a
splash screen, background, and CD label for the LWE GNOME 2.10 liveCD
I'm trying to whip together for next week's LWE. I'm hoping you all
(or whoever else you drag in) can do better, drawing on my inspiring,
cringe-inducing work and themes (which you can see in the blog post.)

The problem is that the CD needs to happen for next week. :) So I need
responses in the next 24 hours or so so I can burn the CD and get it
to a printer's. That is your challenge for Tue., Feb. 8th, should you
choose to accept it. Color scheme can be either something that matches
Industrial blues and whites or Human browns, up to you.

Should you accept the challenge, your art will go out to possibly
hundreds of folks at LWE, including hopefully some big media. Will be
nice, we hope :)

The one week challenge is that right after I'm done with this one, I'd
like to burn up some generic GNOME 2.10 CDs, with no LWE branding.[2]
That means more generic artwork, obviously, and more chance for
freedom of thought, style, etc. Go wild. ;)

If you miss out on these two, I hope we'll have a massive, full-blown
art competition for the 2.12 CDs, so start writing down ideas ;)

Anyway, thanks- please email me or find me in #gnome-art if you have
questions in the next 24 hours. Thanks!

[2] Jimmac has a slight headstart on everyone else here, but he has
less free time ;)

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