Re: Dev-cdrom-* icons

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 11:01, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> What about shadow?

Similar to my comments to the paper sheet, the shadow looks quite odd.
The stroke is way to thick and blurry too. I know it's tough to do in
GIMP, but try this:

Create a circular selection of the outer border. Fill with black. Create
a new selection, 1px smaller in diameter. Now cut _twice_. 

It's necersary to create a new selection and not shrink it. Cutting it
twice will make the border more crisp. Similar effect can be created
using the levels tool on the quickmask.

     1. create circular selection
     2. subtract the inner circle from the selection (the alt-reposition
        in gimp-1.3 is essential for perfect positioning)
     3. change to quickmask
     4. use the levels tool to 'crop' the highlights of the tonal range.
        this will make the blurry borders more crisp
     5. change back to selection. fill with black

Attached is three sample images:
     1. simple cut of the inner circle
     2. double cut
     3. using levels tool on the mask

Hope this was helpful ;)

Jakub Steiner <jimmac ximian com>

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Description: PNG image

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