Re: Icon Theme Spec and Cross-desktop Themeing

On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 17:23, Rodney Dawes wrote:

> - Standardizing names for icons, so that we will actually have
>   cross-desktop icon themes, rather than a buttload of duplicate
>   icons, because they are named differently between kde and gnome

This should at least be done for the basic set of stock icons (former
gtk+ stock, KDE stock?). The sooner this happens the better. Once apps
start to use the icon theme all over it's going to be a mess renaming.

I can come up with a list of basic stock filenames
(verbose,descriptive). Is there any limitation wrt backwards
compatibility? I have absolutely no idea about KDE, so guys please speak


Jakub Steiner <jimmac ximian com>

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