Epiphany synchronization project


I'm Yann, I'm a French boy and I'm 25 years old. I'm interested in the
project to add synchronization to Epiphany. I'd like someone to precise
me what is expected for this project (What is the server to sync with?
Will it be a new server of our own or an existing one such as OwnCloud
or Kolab?) in order to see if I can be the man of the situation.

Concerning my background, I'm a first year student at the École
Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées de
Grenoble (ENSIMAG which could be translated national high school of
computing and applied mathematics of Grenoble). I already know C
programming and the rudiments of GTK+/Glib and I really want to learn
more about it. In more we'll have a C project soon and I hope it will be
the opportunity to dive into it.

You can contact me:
- by mail: yann soubeyrand gmx fr
- on Jabber: yann soubeyrand jabber fr
- on IRC: yann on irc.gnome.org (is there a way to register a nick on

Have a nice day!


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