hey guys! this is what we have right now on the planet. if you want to add your blog to the planet, just write me a mail if you need a new hackergotchi, do it yourself following these guidelines http://live.gnome.org/HackergotchiGuidelines or request one from the art team: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests ############################################### [http://feeds2.feedburner.com/sssuptech] name = Luca Invernizzi # lucasr: disabled as it needs improvements #face = http://planet.gnome.org/heads/gsoc/linvernizzi.png #nick = [http://axsaprykin.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss] name = Alexander Saprykin # lucasr: disabled as it needs improvements #face = http://planet.gnome.org/heads/gsoc/asaprykin.png #nick = [http://mhr3.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss] name = Michal Hruby #face = #nick = [http://feeds.feedburner.com/Yuvisense/] name = Yuvaraj Pandian #face = nick = YuviPanda [http://home.cs.tum.edu/~sickert/atom.xml] name = Salomon Sickert #face = nick = ssickert [http://thiblahute.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Thibault Saunier #face = nick = thiblahute [http://freesteph.info/feed/category/GNOME/atom] name = Stéphane Maniaci #face = nick = freesteph [http://paul.kishimoto.name/taxonomy/term/56/0/feed] name = Paul Kishimoto #face = nick = khaeru [http://blogs.gnome.org/abustany/feed] name = Adrien Bustany face = http://planet.gnome.org/heads/gsoc/abustany.png nick = abustany [http://dragos-dena.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/planet-gnome] name = Dragos Dena #face = #nick = [http://perditusinventusque.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/gnome] name = Matt Novenstern face = http://planet.gnome.org/heads/gsoc/mnovenstern.png #nick = [http://karlojez.wordpress.com/category/planet-gnome/feed] name = Karlo Jež #face = #nick = [http://neosergio.net/category/gnome/feed] name = Sergio Infante Montero face = http://planet.gnome.org/heads/gsoc/smontero.png #nick = ############################################### the following people are still missing: Alexandre Rosenfeld Christina Boumpouka David Williams Emel Elvin Yildiz Jamie Nicol Peteris Krisjanis William Hua ############################################### daniel -- this mail was sent using 100% recycled electrons ================================================ daniel g. siegel <dgsiegel gnome org> http://home.cs.tum.edu/~siegel gnupg key id: 0x6EEC9E62 fingerprint: DE5B 1F64 9034 1FB6 E120 DE10 268D AFD5 6EEC 9E62 encrypted email preferred
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