buildj - report #4

Hola GNOMEistas,

This is your almost-weekly look at the week that was in buildj, the
new build specification for GNOME...

To find out more, check and see my blog,

The code lives in my 'features' git branch,

Tasks completed:

Study of existing build systems throughout GNOME, including analysis
of 'quirks' (described above) and discussion leading to a strategy for
specifying and handling them.

In particular this has meant trying out the last few weeks' new
features on real projects and understanding how much flexibility is
missing but required in .pc and .desktop generation, as well as how
the PackageKit integration pans out in real life.

Decisions, decisions:

Having codified a subset of core platform specifications, we continue
to develop the buildj engine to apply specifications to the build
process, starting to tackle issues relating to installation of
binaries, headers, shared data and libraries.

In this week's meeting, we started with Alberto (mentor), to look at
syntax and behaviour of build options and conditionals, which is the
next upcoming task. Expect to see more commits in this area soon!

Till next week, regards,

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