Cheese GSoC Report - Week 8

This week on Cheese....


Cheese 2.31.1 is out. It's a dev release. Does not have zarro boogs.
But it is a release!

This week, we

1. Fixed several perf bugs.
2. Fixed some weird preferences dialog bugs
3. Filed (and eventually had fixed) a bug in GStreamer.
4. Fixed a regression
5. Beautified the UI a bit (text name overlay of effects, etc)
6. Assorted administrative work to prepare for release (Copyright
updating, merging back into master, etc)

I also passed my mid terms :)

Next week...

1. Remove dependency on Mx Toolkit (it is not a blessed dependency,
and i'm not using large parts of it anyway)
2. Performance improvements, especially at startup time. It is taking
*waaay* too long .
3. Fix problems in video mode.
4. Make the TODO list shorter.

Yuvi Panda T

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