Jokosher Telepathy support: Weekly report #12

Hi everyone!

These have been very turbulent 12 weeks. As this is my first SoC work
and I didn't know what to expect from it, I was quite nervous at
first. Sure, task never seemed to be hard, but you never know what
interesting turns and twists awaits you, especially when you're using
such exciting and new technologies as Farsight, Telepathy and
Gstreamer (well, calling them "new" would be subjective :)).

First of all, I have to admit I have failed to reach all my goals. I
started to hack on Tubes support, but not actually finished, as first
part of the job - to implement simple VoIP call and record both local
and remote speakers - turned to be quite challenging. First of all, my
mentor's Michael Sheldon's code was kinda outdated as expected, as
Telepathy project has it's syntax and D-BUS spec changed quite much
from last time Mike played with it. I also tried to do things
according to newest know-how, avoiding using obsoleted things in
Telepathy spec.and in fact trying to understand what I'm doing - what
was most interesting and demanding part, with lots of reading and lots
of questions in IRC channels #farsight and #telepathy.

I'm happy that I have working VoIP call recording now and with every
smallest improvement it proves to be very useful. To include VoIP
Farsight pipeline in main pipeline (and with all update logic) will
require some serious redesigning of playback/recording logic of
Jokosher, so in final I had to skip on that and I with Mike are
planning to take a look on this issue after SoC. in overall I'm very
happy that I decided to do this for my first Google SoC, because, no
matter if I will succeed or fail for final evaluation, it's have been
very good experience, Michael is excellent as mentor and I'm looking
forward to code and test Jokosher features under his supervision as
main developer. Also thanks goes to Tester, djoerd from #farsight and
#telepathy, all guys from #gstreamer, and of course, GNOME people who
let me do GSoC this year under their helm.

Cheers everyone,
and have a good time for rest of summer,
Peteris Krisjanis.

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