[weekly report] First week in Python - GObject-introspection world

During this first week of the SoC, not so much happened, partly because
my courses ended on Wednesday. I then touched various things during the
last days:
 * Tomeu from SugarLabs has been working quite a lot on PyBank for some
months, and its patches need to be merged; I read most of them.
 * I spent a few hours playing with the autotools in order to move the
PyBank code into PyGObject. Once Tomeu's patches get merged and PyBank's
current features look correct, I'll do the move.
 * I translated a small example of GUPnP (light-server) to Python and
started tracking what was not working yet. We thought that focusing on
making a library, GUPnP in this case, working is probably a good way to
make things moving forward.
 * I spent some time having a deeper look at PyGObject's internals.

See you in a few days for the next report!

Happy hacking,

Simon van der Linden

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