
Hi all,

This week was a "not bad, not too great either" week for me regarding
the project.

At the end of last week, 2 mentors(Don and Shaunm) and 2
students(Phenatic and me) had a group chat and came to some
conclusions and discussed about some concerns. Also I got a good
response to code I uploaded to svn (some code reviews and pointing
corrections and improvements) so I was working with that code and
improving it. Major thing to note is that I've changed the format of
tag list text file and started using a xml format. This was due to the
fact that it was hard to control tag file with all inline and block
elements and their attributes. So now it's better controlled and also
able to render according to tag attributes which wasn't previously
capable of.

Also started Working on block elements and implemented it. So now the
text editor is capable of rendering block elements too. I'm going to
upload this copy as soon as I've finished the remaining bugs. And
thank you everyone who reviewed the code.



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