cheese 0.1.3

hi there!

a bugfixing release, nothin else ;)

what is it?
cheese is a cheesy program to take pictures and videos from your webcam.

what's changed in 0.1.3?
	* let the glade file also translatable
	* added the icon to the .desktop-file
	* Cheese didn't use the various translations. fixed
	* Cheese was hiding from the taskbar. fixed
	* added dutch translation, courtesy of Max Beauchez
	* added french translation, courtesy of Pierre Slamich
	* several fixes

where can i get it?
check out the cheese homepage [1], which is.. yeah kinda new!

=> open bugs
      * cheese still has problems with some v4l-(only)-devices. if
        somebody knows a way round to this, contact me!

what does it look like?
same as version 0.1.2 ;)


cheers, daniel

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