GBus: Final Project Report

Well, I sent in a progress report yesterday.

Today, I've been poking around with getting a message dispatch API
together, ended up with some garbage that I'll have to rethink, and
spent a whole lot of time cleaning up the house, so I didn't get too
much coding done.

Future plans -- well, I'd definitely love to finish GBus to the point
where it's useful and usable in real applications, ideally landing it
inside GLib as the default, supported, GObject/Gnome DBus binding.

Overall, SoC was a great experience for me, and I enjoyed it quite a
bit, even though at the start I was somewhat confused, since I didn't really see a "Go rewrite the DBus C
bindings" coming, especially since I hadn't actually done too much with
DBus before the start of the program, and it took a while to get into
the swing of things.

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