Re: [gnome-slackware]GDM troubles. . .

Alex Harris wrote:
I'm trying to use gdm on my slackware 9.0 system and I'm having an awful lot of trouble. I can get gnome to load with no problems if I use startx. But if I try to use gdm, it won't load anything but failsafe gnome and xterm.

The Gnome file in my /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/ directory contains the entry:

/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession gnome-session

It did have just gnome, but I added the session bit on a suggestion from the forum. Needless to say, it doesn't work. What other configuration files should I use? What other options do I have? I tried XDM, and it does exactly the same thing.

It's got to be something with the Display Manager since startx works just fine. . .

Anyone have any ideas?

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1: You can try to launch your "GDM Configurator" and set a new type of Session named "Gnome" or "gnome". See files under /etc/X11/xdm/ or /etc/X11/gdm/ or /etc/X11 to know Caps or not. Maybee this session as been destroyed by any bad manipulation...

2: Generaly, Sessions are set in /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession file, but this file can have other files to run for setting session. Analyse this file (and its atachments) to see if the "gnome" (or "Gnome") session is set.

3: You can verify if the Xsession file can be set the sessions by the .xsession file placed in you home directory.

NB: To launch a gnome session, the cmd to exec is "gnome-session", so you can try to grep this cmd in your /etc/X11 directory recursivly to know aproximativly where launch cmd is set.

Not sure if my response will help you... ;) May the force be with you.

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