Re: [gnome-slackware]gnome-2.2.1 logout woes

Bryan Dina wrote:
I am having problems with gnome-2.2.1 on my box, when I click under Actions Log Out, nothing happens for about a minute or so, then the log out dialog pops up, and if I click no, then click again it comes up immediately, and every time after that again immediately it pops up, just the first time it takes a long time. I am running slackware-current (9.0beta).


Gnome-slackware mailing list
Gnome-slackware gnome org

At this time i have not slackware anymore so i cant try to debug what happened.

I'm not very sure, not sure at all in fact... but it's look like a program signal sending to another and wait for something who always not come. Like a high ttl TCP connection DROPed by a server :)
So, after a while, gnome hang up a/somme certain/s function/s.

So, maybee one program is not launched and not really important... and your gnome configuration want to speak with it or another thing like that. Or maybee this communication is blocked by some filter (socket filter, localhost filter conf in netfilter, or another thing)

Logout function seem want to speak with GDM, ... maybee this ? In that case, it's depend, surely, on your runlevel ;) (Have you try to see this bug with level 3 and level 5 -configured for use gdm-). hmmm, certainly not, but you can try.

Sry to cant help more. In fact, it can be another bug, huhuhu. Have a nice trip. ;)

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