Re: [gnome-slackware]Shuting down

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 04:14:10PM -0300, Gustavo Soares wrote:

> How can I make all local users to be able to shutdown
> on Gnome 1.4?

Well of course anybody can log out of GNOME, so I think you mean
shutting down the whole computer system.

I don't think, that GNOME is able to distiguish between local and
remote users, so you really shouldn't give this permission to anyone!

But what you can do is to give the permission to a group of users.

First choose a group or define a new one for those, who should be able
to shutdown the system. On my system I took the group "wheel".

Add the people you really trust into that group.

Then look where the command "shutdown" is - on my system in /sbin.
Change the group for this command, ie. "chgrp wheel /sbin/shutdown".
Then change the permissions so, that it is setuid root, but that just
the owner and the group is able to call it: 
"chmod 4750 /sbin/shutdown".

That anybody has it in his PATH, you could make a SymLink: 
"cd /usr/bin ; ln -s ../../sbin/shutdown"

The same you could do with the command "halt".

P.S.: This has nothing to do with GNOME. ;-)


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