reading monitor manager switch config

I'm writing tooling to help manage multiple monitors on Xorg to help
bridge the hidpi/mixed-dpi experience on GNOME until Wayland is usable
for everyone.  Overall it is working quite well, but there is one area
that's presenting some difficulty.

In Gnome Shell/Mutter, Super+P sets the monitor manager switch config
(to "mirror", "join displays", "external only", or "built-in only"). 
Currently, the tooling doesn't know about this setting, which has the
effect of activating all displays even if the user opts to turn off
external or built-in displays.

If I could read the switch_config setting from Meta.MonitorManager from
python, I could do the right thing.   Can anybody provide some
suggestions on I could accomplish this?

  David Jordan
  david2 system76 com

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