Re: Parsing XML in shell extension

On 06.10.2015 17:57, Jay Strict wrote:
2) I want to read and parse the XML file that Syncthing uses as its
configuration file [4]. What is the best way to do so? I found the
Simple XML Subset Parser [5] in the GLib library and I think this would
be suitable, as the config file does not look very complex.
I also found an older thread [6] about this topic, in which it was
suggested to use E4X. But E4X seems to be obsolete.
Are there better alternatives? Can Gjs do something like this?


I want to use the Simple XML Subset Parser from GLib and have the
following source code lines in extension.js (in addition to the
functions init() and enable()).
const GLib =;

const XMLConfigParser = new Lang.Class({
    Name: 'XMLConfigParser',
    Extends: GLib.MarkupParser,

//    _construct : function() {
//    },

    start_element : function(context,
                             user_data) {
        log ('context: ' + context);

let _xmlConfigParser = new XMLConfigParser();
let parseContext = new GLib.MarkupParseContext(_xmlConfigParser, 0, null);
parseContext.parse("Test", 4);

But when trying to load the extension, I get the error message
TypeError: this._construct is undefined

If I add a new empty method "_construct", the error message is
TypeError: Object 0x7fef55023340 is not a subclass of GObject_Boxed,
it's a Object

Does anybody have a hint for me, what I am doing wrong?


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