Re: How to better manage 10 radio buttons on the ALL window


On 02/28/2015 04:30 PM, Leslie S Satenstein wrote:
Each ALL window has 10 radio buttons where each page refers to 24
applications. When I want to browse the icons for a program whose
name I forgot, I type the first letter in the search box hoping I
am right.

To help and to improve gnome ALL window presentation, "please",
"please", "please" replace the radio button with a button able to
support two or three characters. On each button, indicate the
beginning characters of the icon name that appears on the top left
 corner. Currently, I proceed to radio button 5, and check if I
have to go towards button one, or towards button 10. With the two
or three letters in place of the radio button, I could proceed to
directly to button 3.

After a few hours of Gnome use, my forefinger muscle is in pain
from performing left mouse clicks. A second request is to try to
provide "Taskbar" as a permanent feature. With it, I avoid two
extra mouse clicks and a painful right hand forefinger muscle /
ligament. Gnome, in part,  is contributing to carpal pain with it's
"click-click-click" design.

Regards Leslie
First of all, may I suggest enabling the applications menu extension
[1]? It is a part of the gnome-shell-extensions package and can be
enabled with the GNOME Tweak Tool if you have installed the tweak tool
and the gnome-shell-extensions.

As a GNOME user (not developer), I do agree that looking for an
application whose name one has forgotten can become tedious when many
applications are installed. I am not sure how much your suggestion
would improve the situation though. Categories would probably be the
better solution IMO, and that is what the applications menu extension
offers. Maybe you want to file a bug on GNOME Bugzilla [2]?



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