Re: Curtains off

This doesn't work with touchscreens, because cannot write anything until
curtain is out.

El 12/08/15 a les 08:48, Alvaro Peña ha escrit:
AFAIK (Fedora 22) you can jump directly to step 3, just write your user
password and press enter, even with the blank screen...


2015-08-12 8:44 GMT+02:00 Narcis Garcia <informatica actiu net
<mailto:informatica actiu net>>:

    Does anybody know if there is some setting that allows to disable the
    screen curtain?

    When Gnome3 locks screen, some people asks me to not need 3 steps to
    1. Move mouse or keyboard
    2. Lift curtain  <- To avoid
    3. Write password

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Álvaro Peña
alvaropg gmail com <mailto:alvaropg gmail com>

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