Re: Window animations in Gnome-Shell.

On Sat, 2014-07-05 at 06:49 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Fri, 2014-07-04 at 12:21 -0500, Christian Dysthe wrote: 
I know I'm going to be smacked for this but I'll take my chances. I
really like nice smooth animations on my desktop and with newer hardware
I have the power for excesses like that. I have compared window
animations on a Mac and in ElementaryOS with those of Gnome-Shell and I
like the other two much better than what I have on my desktop. Is there
any way to get better window (and menu) animations in Gnome-Shell? 

There are several extensions which relate to disabling, changing, or
speeding-up/slowing-down window animations.  Search

I could only find the one that speeds up the existing animation and a
wobbly window one that doesn't work very well. Am I missing something?

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