Re: lock screen without screensaver as a hotkey

2013/5/9 Peter Volkov <pva gentoo org>:

I would like to code a bit and fix the problem I have:
Lock screen functionality works if I press "username" button in right
top angle and then "Lock screen". But whenever I try to lock the screen
with hotkey it does nothing. I've checked gnome-control-center sources
and lock button shell extension sources and found that shell extension
button (it works btw) calls:
while hotkey is binded to some screensaver functionality that is not
installed on my laptop. I'd like to fix this correctly and thus I'm
looking for a hint(s) on what to do next. Could you suggest best course
of actions to fix this problem? I guess it's best to have some general
"lock screen" functionality that'll call screensaver's lock and if that
fall back on screenShield.lock() but what do you think?

Since GNOME 3.6, the only screensaver outside fallback mode is that
implemented by gnome-shell, ie the one you activate with
gnome-settings-daemon, the component handling keybindings, uses the
DBus interface to communicate the shell, calling
org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock, which then triggers the same code path as
the user menu button.
If that doesn't work, you should file a bug at


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