Gnome shell 3.8.2: can't activate shell bar entries with touchscreen


Hopefully this is not a wrong forum for this and hopefully this is not something too obvious - I've trie to google for several times, but didn't find anything except the transient X touch-click issue which I've gotten taken care of by a patched X server.
I started using gnome 3 after reading that there is process on the way 
to have touchscreen support. The design does look like it'll be good 
with touch screen, but there's a big practical problem at the moment. 
For some reason gnome-shell doesn't react in any way when I click on the 
icons (e.g. activity, wlan, bluetooth, logout) on gnome shell top bar. 
With Unity or any program running on top of gnome 3 I don't have a 
problem: e.g. firefox and other programs work fine with touchscreen 
click, so it doesn't seem to be a generic touchscreen click. Also with 
the ordinary mouse things work as expected.
I wonder if it is perhaps some kind of setting - or if it's a bug, I'm 
willing to try newer versions of gnome shell and/or patches, or maybe 
take a go at fixing it myself.
The hardware is laptop/tablet hybrid with detachable tablet part. I'm 
used to touchscreen UI on Android but it's new to me on daily use on a 
laptop, but it does seem it could be quite useful for some tasks even in 
laptop mode, and for detached tablet use it's a most.
Gnom shell version: 3.8.2-1ubuntu2~raring2 from ubuntu-ppa

Hardware: asus transformer book tx300 (4005)


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