Re: background with nautilus

Hi, it is the same for me. I'v installed gnome3 PPA and gnome3 staging PPA.

nautilus   1:3.8.1-0ubuntu1~raring1

S pozdravom

Milan Oravec

Mobil: +421907670270
email: moravec ukf sk

On 25.04.2013 09:56, Clemens wrote:
Am 25.04.2013 09:51, schrieb rastersoft:
Hi all:

I updated my system to ubuntu 13.04 and I'm using the PPA to get Gnome
3.8, but there's an odd problem: I use nautilus to get desktop icons,
but the background when using it is fully white. If I kill nautilus, the
icons disappears (obviously) and the selected background is shown. When
I launch again nautilus, the background disappears again.

I tried from a new, fresh account and got the same problem.

Does somebody know how to fix this?


Have you checked the nautilus version? Ubuntu is always
a bit lazy to ship the new version, maybe you can update it
from the ppa.

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