> Anyone knows?
> thanks
> Bazon
> 2012/10/5 Bazon Bloch <
bazonbloch arcor de>
>> Thank you both for your informations, they were really useful learning to
>> handle gnome-shell js again. :-)
>> Maybe my exceptions regarding looking-glass were misleaded by my
>> experiences with the firefox DOM-inspector
https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/dom-inspector-6622/ which is a
>> really powerful tool for CSS and _javascript_ inspection for both content and
>> chrome.
>> cheers
>> Bazon
>> 2012/10/5 Amy <
mathematical coffee gmail com>
>>> On 5 October 2012 14:55, Jasper St. Pierre <
jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:
>>> > On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 12:17 AM, Bazon Bloch <
bazonbloch arcor de>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >> Thank you, that was indeed the needed connect! :-)
>>> >>
>>> >> But I got two questions left concerning that:
>>> >> 2012/10/4 Amy <
mathematical coffee gmail com>(You can
>>> >>
>>> >>> enter the Overview & then open the looking glass and use the 'picker'
>>> >>> object to try and work out which actor you want to listen to events
>>> >>> on
>>> >>> if you didn't know it was the _workspacesDisplay.actor).
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 1.
>>> >> That was thing I was trying before. But: The picker only picked me
>>> >> [0x8f1a380 ShellGenericContainer:last-child first-child]
>>> >>
>>> >> this is indeed the same as if I enter
>>> >> imports.ui.main.overview._workspacesDisplay.actor
>>> >> in the looking glass inspector, that also returns
>>> >> [0x8f1a380 ShellGenericContainer:last-child first-child]
>>> >>
>>> >> But how do I know than that
>>> >> [0x8f1a380 ShellGenericContainer:last-child first-child] =
>>> >> imports.ui.main.overview._workspacesDisplay.actor ?
>>> re Blazon - Oh, I didn't think of that :P If you're very lucky,
>>> sometimes gnome-shell JS classes for which the class has one main
>>> actor set the '_delegate' property on `this.actor` pointing back to
>>> `this`, so you can trace back like that. For example,
>>> Main.panel.actor._delegate === Main.panel, so if you had just the
>>> actor you could ask for its _delegate property and see '[object
>>> Object delegate for 0xa3723c0 ShellGenericContainer:last-child
>>> "panel"]'. I think on GNOME 3.4 if you get the above object, you can
>>> also look at __name__ to see 'Panel' (can't check at the moment, I'm
>>> on 3.2). Unfortunately not all classes do the `this.actor._delegate =
>>> this` thing (easy to forget, or perhaps not appropriate for that
>>> class).
>>> >
>>> > There's no way to find that (it would be impossible). But if you
>>> > scourge up and down the tree of actors (use the mouse wheel when
>>> > hovering over an actor in the looking glass), and grep through the
>>> > sources, you can get close.
>>> >> I tried to click on "__metaclass__", but that gave me no information.
>>> >>
>>> >> 2.
>>> >> In looking glass, I can't find the "reactive" property in
>>> >> imports.ui.main.overview._workspacesDisplay.actor. How did you know it
>>> >> was
>>> >> there?
>>> The hard way when I first started developing extensions, when I was
>>> spending ages trying to work out why my actor wasn't responding to
>>> clicks etc and eventually finding it in the Clutter documentation
>>> after far too many hours :) (it's a bit like that... "oh, all you had
>>> to do was set <magicProperty> to <magicValue> and it works!" - just
>>> ask lots of questions and you'll eventually get there). If you knew
>>> the actor was a Clutter.Actor (all St.* actors are Clutter Actors) you
>>> could look at the relevant documentation page [0] though .reactive
>>> might not be immediately obvious as the cause of your problem.
>>> > It's a property for all Clutter actors, of which
>>> > _workspacesDisplay.actor is one of. The property inspector is
>>> > misleading; we should probably rework that to be a bit better.
>>> The objects that are through GObject introspection (like Clutter
>>> actors, or Meta classes) don't have their properties shown in the LG
>>> object inspector by default because they're loaded lazily - i.e. they
>>> only show up once some extension/JS code queries them. For example,
>>> type in `global.screen` and inspect it - you probably won't see a
>>> property `set_compositor_data`. Now type
>>> `global.screen.set_compositor_data` and you will see that it exists
>>> and is a function. Inspect it again, and you'll see
>>> `set_compositor_data` is now there.
>>> I've done a little bit of work on trying to improve the property
>>> inspector in the looking glass to display all the properties of an
>>> object that can be found through GObject introspection - it doesn't
>>> always work, but I find it handy to explore new (gobject
>>> introspection) objects, hand in hand with the documentation [1]. You
>>> may find it handy.
>>> [0]:
>>> [1]:
>>> >>
>>> >> Many thanks
>>> >> Bazon
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 2012/10/4 Amy <
mathematical coffee gmail com>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> If you connect to 'button-press-event' or 'button-release-event' (ie
>>> >>> click event) on `Main.overview._workspacesDisplay.actor`, and
>>> >>> additionally set its 'reactive' property to `true` (so that it
>>> >>> actually receives these events), that should do the trick. (You can
>>> >>> enter the Overview & then open the looking glass and use the 'picker'
>>> >>> object to try and work out which actor you want to listen to events
>>> >>> on
>>> >>> if you didn't know it was the _workspacesDisplay.actor).
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On 3 October 2012 23:37, Bazon Bloch <
bazonbloch arcor de> wrote:
>>> >>> > Hello,
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > I would like to show the desktop when clicking an empty place in
>>> >>> > the
>>> >>> > overview in WorkspacesView.WorkspacesDisplay mode.
>>> >>> > So I need a connect signal for that. Does anyone know that signal?
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Thanks
>>> >>> > Bazon
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>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>> >> gnome-shell-list mailing list
>>> >>
gnome-shell-list gnome org
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>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Jasper