Re: About render speed


On 20 May 2012 14:59, Weng Xuetian <wengxt gmail com> wrote:
> I'm implementing an extension that may need to update a window very
> frequenctly, say maybe 10 times per second. (Please don't ask about reducing
> the frequency, this is based on an very rapid user input and it need to be
> updated in time to give user correct reaction.)

the Shell is vblank-locked: it will only redraw itself following the
refresh rate of your screen.

also, remember that triggering a redraw of a portion of the scene
graph will result in a redraw of more things than just the portion of
the graph you own.

> I wonder do I do anything wrong, or there is some hint for render it in better
> performance?

you seem to be under the impression that "better performance" means
"lots of frames per second even if you can't physically seem them".
that is not the case.



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