About show-desktop-icons

   In fedora16 , the option to display icons on the desktop need to use Gnome-tweak-tool. I want to know how to show the icons on
the desktop default when install the system without using  gnome-tweak-tool.
   I modified the file "/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.background.gschema.xml", changed the last option of show-desktop-top from false to true, it did not work .
   so, I modified the same file in the gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.2.1***.rpm package, and reinstalled , still not work.
   At last, I created a new file named org.gnome.desktop.background.showicons.gschema.override as source , modified  gnome-desktop3.spec at the same time.
 the content of the file writed below:

rpmbuild and reinstall this package, it did not work , I don't know why?

Hope that helps,

Ah well.  Thanks anyway.

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