extension info's

Sorry for my incompetence;
why this code it's not functional in gnome-shell 3.4.1?

const St = imports.gi.St;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
function _showHello() {
    let text = new St.Label({ style_class: 'helloworld-label', text: "Hello, world!" });
    let monitor = global.get_primary_monitor();
    text.set_position(Math.floor (monitor.width / 2 - text.width / 2),
                      Math.floor(monitor.height / 2 - text.height / 2));
    Mainloop.timeout_add(3000, function () { text.destroy(); });
// Put your extension initialization code here
function main() {
    Main.panel.actor.reactive = true;
    Main.panel.actor.connect('button-release-event', _showHello);

Read more: http://blog.fpmurphy.com/2011/04/gnome-3-shell-extensions.html#ixzz1yoN4wkTh

I cannot be able to make the same results described in the fpmurphy blog..
thanks for any suggestions.


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