Questions about St.Label


I'm working in a shell extension, but I have some problems with St.Label sizing and positioning.

First problem: I want to vertical-align a label inside a container (St.BoxLayout, if it helps). I've tried this:

let box = new St.BoxLayout ();
box.add (some_really_high_widget);
let label = St.Label ();
label.set_text ("blah blah");
box.add (label, {expand: true, y_fill: true, y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE});

but nothing happens. The label is shown in the top of the widget, not vertical centered.

Second problem: I need a multi-line label, to show a long string. But all I get is a one-line label, it doesn't resize to fit all the text. The code:

label = new St.Label ();
label.clutter_text.line_wrap = true;
label.clutter_text.line_wrap_mode = Pango.WrapMode.WORD;
label.clutter_text.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE;
label.set_text ("some really long text");
container.add (label, {expand:true});

But it only shows the first line. The ellipsis is OK, and if I force the label height through the stylesheet.css, it shows all the lines. But it's not a good idea, since I don't know the length of the string.

Any idea about how could I solve this two problems?

Thank you very much.

César García Tapia
cesar garcia tapia openshine com
+34 663 273 481

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