Re: Location-aware GNOME Shell - weekly report 1


2011/5/28 Stéphane Maniaci <stephane maniaci gmail com>
Here's the first weekly report of my summer of code project: making the
Shell location-aware with a multi-timezone clock and some weather candy
later (didn't write to the shell list earlier).

Welcome to the list!

Quickly realized that I really needed solid design before doing any UI,
so I tried to gather all the rockstars of #gnome-design together on
Thursday for a quick brainstorming. Nothing concrete came out of it, but
here's the point I remembered:
       - Displaying time + weather for all locations isn't a good idea (we
already consume a lot of space in the date/clock popup, and we want to
keep it a popup) ;

That was one concern, but not the main reason against tying time and weather - it just doesn't make too much sense, as there's not necessarily much overlap between "locations I want to know the local time for" and "locations I want to know the current weather conditions for". I think usually the only location where both time and weather are interesting is the own one.

       - It's still pretty unsure where all those settings (locations CRUD,
weather config) will land in the control-center ;

I don't think weather config makes much sense in the control center (except maybe a "Show weather in calendar" option in the date+time panel) - as I understand it, the idea is to have a weather app[0] for most of the functionality.



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