Debugging a gnome-shell extension


I'm currently switching from gnome2 to gnome3. Is a very huge change, but I like most of things, like I'm more focused on one task and not on a lo of them.

But I have the problem that I *really* need Hamster time tracker application for my daily work, and actually the applet was very cool because I allways saw the current activity and don't forget to change it. But now there is no applets. I'm okay with that as long as you provide real alternatives to replace things we used before.

So I'm writing a gnome-shell extension with that purpouse: add a button to the panel where I can see an change my current activity. More or less it works, but I'm having problems with DBus (wich is for me a very ancient and rare kind of black magic) and I need to know what is failing. But is no easy:
If the answer is no, how the hell a mortal person can debug it's own application?

The lack of documentation on this subject is something I think you should work on.

Best regards,

Pablo Recio Quijano

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