Re: Extensions Infrastructure Work

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Jasper St. Pierre
<jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:
>> Sorry if I'm late to the party with this suggestion.
> I'd rather late than never. I don't want to break this if people are
> unhappy with what I've come up with.
>> but I think this
>> is where using zero install[0] for extensions would shine:
>>  - feeds that contain only JS (i.e no compilation required) are
>> trivial to create.
>>  - built-in GPG signing of feeds
>>  - version requirements are supported for dependencies (before, not-before)
>>  - you can depend on other extensions, or on arbitrary packages. These
>> can be other (vanilla) zero install feeds, or they can be feeds that
>> are a wrapper for a system package
>>  - system packages can have multiple names for a given zero install
>> feed. This will allow you to depend on fooBar for fedora, but
>> libfoo-bar on debian
>>  - 0install uses packagekit to resolve & install system packages, so
>> the experience should be fairly straightforward for users
>>  - doesn't require root access (unless system packages need
>> installing, obviously)
> I'm confused at what you want -- do you want 0install to be used for
> extension packages themselves, or for their dependencies?

For extensions packages themselves. If dependencies are required, they
would have to be represented as a 0install feed (but this could just
be a reference to a package implementation if that is all that's

> If you mean the former, I'll look at 0install if it does what I
> need.... and here's what I need.
>  * Users need to be able to click one button, and like magic the
> extension instantly is downloaded, unzipped, loaded and enabled. This
> is working correctly.
>  * Users need to be able to click the same button in the web UI, and
> the extension is disabled. This is, again, working correctly.
>  * I need to be able to inspect the state of the extension so I can
> enable the correct buttons. Right now this is done with the HTTP
> server.
>  * We need to be able to make this seamless for a simple extension
> case (no dependencies). I will not allow the word "0install" on a
> dialog when installing, enabling or disabling an extension.

You could presumably use the 0install API (it's written in python) to
implement whatever UI you wish. In the typical case you would just
want to implement a download progress bar and a "do you trust this
person's GPG details" dialog for first-run of a new extension.

Note: 0install wouldn't change how extensions are enabled / disabled,
as that's pretty specific to GS itself. It would simply help with
distribution, integrity (GPG signed feeds), updates and dependency
resolution. All of which are pretty generic problems that shouldn't
need to be specific to GS.

> I'm editing the screencast that shows what I have worked out right
> now. Jason Clinton: what do you usually use for video editing, so I
> can stop cursing PiTiVi?
>> [0]:
>> I'm working up to releasing an extension that requires my own mutter
>> fork (for now, I hope that won't always be the case), and 0install is
>> the only way I can sanely do so. It allows my extension to
>>  - have dependencies
>>  - not mess with the system version of mutter
>>  - work cross-platform (not a big deal when fedora is the only distro
>> with GS, but will become more important later).
> How does 0install make the mutter case better?

I'm not sure I follow. None of the above points can be done with the
current extension system as far as I know, so I'm not sure what I can
add. "the mutter case" is simply my reason for requiring bleeding-edge
dependencies and not conflicting with the system version of mutter.

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