Re: gnome-shell-list gnome org

>>If the kernel doesn't tell us that we support standby, we don't show it.
>>You can check if your computer supports suspend pretty much the same
>>way we do (for Linux, not FreeBSD):
>>  pm-is-supported --suspend && echo "Suspend is supported" || echo
>>"Suspend is not supported"
> I tried, it says: " suspend is not supported " and fire up GNOME Shell for
> testing(this build is less than a week old) even though this build will
> crash the whole system if I am going to press CTRL-C at the terminal where I
> started GS,  and lo and behold it still shows the "Suspend" button.

This is a bug. Can you try one more thing? Give me the exact output of:

  dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower
/org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get
string:org.freedesktop.UPower string:CanSuspend

> If the
> design guys are serious about ripping off the Switch Off button from GNOME
> Shell then I would suggest that they will do it _right_ the first time. And
> this whole thing the removing of Power Off function for the sake of "It's by
> Design" principle, doesn't nullify my argument earlier that every machine(at
> least most machines invented by man), when it uses "electrical power" must
> have a switch off functionality (where electrical energy is considered a
> fire hazard). Even Critical Machines here(we're in a manufacturing business)
> needs to be turned off properly and slowly but still have an emergency OFF
> button.

As I understand it, it will be a "Suspend/Hibernate" hybrid. That is,
we go into suspend for a bit, and then go to hibernate after more time
has passed.

>>If you're having trouble with suspending for any reason, and that says
>>suspend is supported, tell us and file a bug.
> No Power Off function in GNOME Shell(regardless of pm-is-supported), that
> for sure, is a bug in itself.

There is an option: hold down Alt.

> Kind Regards,
> Allan

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